Hi all —
In startups, founders can waste time in a ton of creative ways.
There’s really only 1-2 most important things to focus on at any one time. Usually related to finding product-market fit, proving out your core business logic.
But I’ve seen plenty of founders avoid focusing on the most important things for their businesses. For example:
They don’t build the habit of focusing on the 1-2 most important things in their businesses
They assume that these most important things will handle themselves, someway, somehow
They think they can outsource solving their 1-2 most important problems instead of leaning into them headfirst
They lie to themselves to avoid doing difficult and uncomfortable things
They assume that, because they’re following the latest “best management practice / process” (E.g., OKRs) that they are focusing on the most important things
They get caught up in the day-to-day, letting other people determine their priorities
You can probably think of 10 other reasons founders lose focus…
I have found the habit of asking myself weekly, “What are the 1-3 most important things I can focus on next week?” is a forcing function that gets me to think clearly about priorities for the business.
And, at the same time, I keep myself accountable by reflecting on whether I focused on the 1-3 most important things for my business this past week.
It’s a simple habit - I recommend giving it a try!